Covid-19 update
The New Normal
The Government’s relaxation of Covid restrictions now means that there is no legal requirement to take the precautions we have adhered to so far.
However, we recognise that Covid has not gone away and risks remain for the most vulnerable in our society. The Chapel is spacious and airy and is cleaned regularly. While we remain cautious, using hand sanitiser, wearing masks and maintaining social distance is now a matter of personal choice when you come to Chapel.
Live Streaming
Most Sunday services are streamed live to the Chapel's YouTube Channel, with cameras facing the preacher and the musician. Members of the congregation won't appear on screen unless they approach the chalice table or lectern.
Covid Symptoms
If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 please do not book or attend a Chapel service or event and follow the Government advice. Symptoms of COVID-19 are:
A high temperature.
A new cough where you keep on coughing – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more episodes of coughing in a day.
Losing, or there being a change to, your sense of smell or taste.