The path of awakening is not about becoming who you are. Rather it is about unbecoming who you are not.

Our month begins with the festival of Easter, a time to remember a story of transformation and triumph over painful adversity. Our theme of Becoming calls us to consider transformations in our own lives. There is no doubt that our lives have been transformed in the past year. As our society and our community begin the process of slow and gentle re-opening, it is up to us to discern what parts of this experience help us to grow and what we can leave in the past in order to continue the important work of the soul.
As members of the book circle come to the end of working through the antiracism book Me and White Supremacy, we are looking forward and considering what our next steps might be. The author invites us to reflect on what things we now see that we cannot unsee and what we are going to do with this new way of seeing. Part of it will be to leave behind old behaviours which no longer serve us and find the courage to speak up when we see injustice, ‘unbecoming’ what we are not and becoming more the people we hope to be.
This month is about becoming more true to ourselves and this is aided by listening to others. Our new spiritual development course The Listening Path begins on 20 April and offers an opportunity to develop that most important of skills, as we listen to our environment, our inner thoughts and each other. We hope you’ll join us on the journey!