The Unitarian publishing house Lindsey Press has launched its latest publication. Cherishing the Earth - Nourishing the Spirit was commissioned by Rev Maria Curtis from a wide range of Unitarian contributors: 13 ministers (including Rev Kate Dean), nine laypeople, and six children. The Foreword was written by the Quaker activist Alastair McIntosh, and Maria herself has made major contributions to the text. The main chapters are interspersed with poems, prayers, and short rituals which could form part of chapel services based on ecological issues. Each chapter ends with questions for reflection and discussion, providing a resource for study by individuals or small groups.
It seems likely that this book is destined to resonate far beyond Unitarian circles. Here is a link to the first (and very positive) external review, written by Ian Mowll, the Co-ordinator of the GreenSpirit network. It has been posted on the GreenSpirit website and is due for publication in their newsletter next month: https://www.greenspirit.org.uk/bookreviews2/2023/03/13/cherishing-the-earth-nourishing-the-spirit-by-maria-curtis-ed/
In addition, Revd David Coleman, the chaplain of Eco-Congregation Scotland, has paid tribute to the book on his blog: "The struggles, insights, and solidarity of these Unitarian writers of 'the Now' shine through .... The writers are recycling, reassessing, repurposing the treasures of their tradition, and therefore affirming its value both to them and the kinship of the Earth. Maybe the purpose of faith is to equip us in response to crisis, and here a liberal faith, priding itself on a relative absence of dogmatic clutter (though noting with honesty the traditional shackles of individualism) is offered both to Unitarians and others of goodwill."
You can order your copy from the Unitarian General Assembly website at Shop - The Unitarians.