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News & Views

July Inspiration


Our theme for services and events this month is 'Explore!'. Here, we share some inspiring words of wisdom and some questions to give you food for thought.

Words of Wisdom

‘And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?’


‘Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all people cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other,we may even become friends.’

Maya Angelou

‘And then the day came,

when the risk

to remain tight

in a bud

was more painful

than the risk

it took

to blossom.’

“Risk” by Anaïs Nin

Questions for Reflection

1. Where do you typically find yourself exploring? In the “wild” (i.e., the real world)? In a library? In your imagination?

2. How does exploring make you feel? Try to use specific words (e.g., expansive, unsettled, excited, stressed).

3. When you finish exploring, what memories are more likely to stick with you, the adventure or the discoveries?


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