The Life Letters workshop in May was led by solicitor Robert Schon and Rev Kate. It focused on Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) which people put in place to give directions for how their health needs and financial matters should be taken care of, should they become incapacitated. Robert divided the participants into two groups to think about considerations if you are an ‘attorney’ managing someone else’s affairs and what to think about as a ‘donor’ when appointing an attorney. Sue, who took part, said: ‘It was really good, I've already done my will and financial LPA, so it got me motivated to do my health LPA now.’ Another participant, Lateefa, said ‘I found it very useful and there was lots to think about. It made me realise I need to sit down with my attorneys, work out what I want and what my preference are. We must get on with as we never when know something might happen so it's imperative we have these things in place.’ During the discussions, many people highlighted the importance of good communication, discussing your wishes with your attorneys to avoid misunderstandings but most of all, to ‘get your skates on’ and face a process which people may find difficult emotionally and can seem complicated. Thank you to Robert Schon for leading this interesting workshop and fielding so many eager questions!
Photo caption: Robert Schon (right) with participants Inka and Stephan.
You can download a folder with handouts, documents and guidelines related to the workshop below: