Our Chapel Choir meets every Wednesday evening during term time from 7.30–9.30pm, and provides the music for nine Sunday morning services a year (roughly, once a month during term time). We perform a major work four times a year for Remembrance Sunday, Christmas, Palm Sunday and the summer - these works have included The Little Jazz Mass by Bob Chilcott and Faure's Requiem.
The choir sings a variety of both religious and non-religious choral music, ranging from polyphony to spirituals, and for the most important services we are joined by top professional soloists and instrumentalists.
We are completely un-auditioned, and there is a wide variety of choral experience in our ranks. Although we work from printed scores, reading music is not a pre-requisite for joining the choir: several of our members have learned to read music by being in the choir. We are a very sociable bunch, with our annual fundraising dinner the stuff of legend!
We pride ourselves on being a friendly community choir that is open to everyone. If you would like to try it out, the first few rehearsals are free - and if you decide to stay on, moderate fees are paid termly.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please contact us - we'd love to see you soon!