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News & Views

September Inspiration


Our theme for services and events this month is 'Welcome'. Here, we share some inspiring words of wisdom and some questions to give you food for thought.

Words of Wisdom

‘Say yes to everything. Accept [and welcome in] all offers. Go along with the plan. Support someone else’s dream. Say: yes”; “right”; “sure”; “I will”; “okay”; “of course”; “YES!” ... When the answer to all questions is yes, you enter a new world, a world of action, possibility, and adventure.’

Patricia Ryan Madson

‘We belong to every part of our lives and every part of our lives belongs to us. Even the failures. The cruelty. The betrayals. The addictions. The cowardice. Until we embrace and welcome back those scared and tender parts with the kindness and forgiveness we so generously give to others, we will never be whole. We will never be home.’

Rev. Scott Tayler

‘I was beginning to learn that home is the space within us and between us where we feel safe—and brave. It is not a physical space as much as it is a field of being.’

Valarie Kaur

Questions for Reflection

1. Who welcomed you in when you needed it most? How has that gift changed you? What would you say to the person if you had the chance?

2. Has welcoming change gotten easier or harder as you’ve grown older?

3. Has welcoming the forgiveness of others gotten easier or harder as you’ve gotten older?


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