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News & Views

Writer's pictureChapel Office

The Chapel’s Community Lunch Table, an absolute gem

Written by Maureen Simon, a Chapel regular

As a returner to the Chapel after years away, I was delighted to join in for the Chapel Community Lunch on Sunday, June 9th. The three most enjoyable things for me were seeing people I knew from years back as a member of the Chapel. This is something I never expected. The richness of our conversations, memories shared and updates on the time that passed was so enriching. It was also great to hear what they are up to today and to know we will stay connected. The second joy for me was the sharing of food in the Community. The Community Lunch was co-sponsored with Highgate Newtown Community Partners (HNCP). Not only were there people from the Chapel but there were also new faces and new conversations - which I found very enriching. The third enjoyable thing for me was the food. The selection was vast and there was something there for everyone.

As the world, to me now feels more intense and at times filled with uncertainty - I believe it is more important than ever to share in the community. Sometimes one may ask - is it worth joining in? Based on my experience - on this special Sunday in the community - I would say YES. Sometimes I need to stretch myself to show up. Often when I do this, the results including, the human connection, and community that I experience add so much richness to my life.

When I left the lunch, I felt a strong sense of gratitude for the folks who organised the lunch (including Andrew and the full team). I thought of the initial thought to host the lunch, all the care that went into preparing and serving the food and the different conversations and lit-up faces that I saw and walked away thinking the world needs more of this. The next Community Lunch is on 8 September at 12.30. If I am in town, I plan to be there. I hope to see you there too.


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