My journey into Unitarianism began around the year 2000, when I joined Golders Green Unitarians (GGU). I was very impressed by the literature I received. I discovered that like Hinduism, Unitarianism was a responsible search for the truth albeit using not only different religious books, literature, arts and music but personal experience as well.
After a couple of years membership at GGU I left (as life got in the way) and it was twenty years later in the year 2020 when I was invited to a talk at Rosslyn Hill Chapel via Zoom on race. At the end, we were encouraged to contact a member of the Chapel. At first, I was reluctant to join as the Chapel is ten miles from my house. But when I found that the Chapel offered Zoom sessions on Tuesdays called Soul Deep, I not only joined the Chapel but attended most Tuesdays.
I do enjoy the small group discussions on self-development and find it more stimulating than reading books on my own. I like listening and considering other participants point of view.
I also have become Facebook friends with various Unitarians and would like to attend the in-person picnics at the manse garden in the future.
I do find Unitarianism quite welcoming. And as a Hindu Unitarian I find I get the support of a local Chapel without having to ‘convert’ to another religion. In fact, I can get the best of both Western and Eastern religion and culture and feel quite at home!