Helping Hands through Social Action
We have a number of opportunities to put our Unitarian principles of social justice into practice, and to serve the wider community. We support local, national and international charities, through fundraising, raising awareness of social issues, and being involved in campaigns.
Thanks to seed funding from Camden Council and our partnership with HNCP, our Lunch Club offers food and conversation on the second Sunday of the month. Our under-5s Saturday Club enables families to form local connections. Our Cold Weather Shelter gives refuge to homeless people in the winter months. If you would like to get involved in our Social Action work, contact us.

Social Action Project: Cold Weather Shelter
Since the early 1990s we have run a weekly night shelter for homeless people throughout the winter in our Hall. During the pandemic, we continued to organise volunteers to help run the shelter in another location. We collect non-perishable food for a local Food Bank and our weekly collection plate is usually divided between the work of the chapel and a monthly good cause.

Social Action Project: Celebrating Black Lives
We believe that Black Lives Matter and we seek to redress the historic imbalance by lifting up the voices of Black and People of Colour through our Celebrating Black Lives project. This year, a small group of our community worked through the antiracism book Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad which sensitised us to the issues and increased our vocabulary in order to speak more about racism and White Supremacy. View our Antiracism Resource List. We hope to develop further activities to address the issues raised. We also regularly display profiles which highlight significant lives via our physical noticeboard onsite and social media channels.

Death Café
Join us in a safe and welcoming space to discuss end of life matters and break the taboo of speaking about death, over tea and cake. A Death Café provides an opportunity to consider an emotive subject amongst understanding friends. Many feel a deep connection at these gatherings. There is no agenda, just a willingness to share our experiences and offer mutual support. Our monthly Death Cafe meets on the last Sunday afternoon of the month (except August and December).